How to Make First Karva Chauth, Make it Special!

After the marriage, karva Chauth is the first Hindu festival for married women who are dedicated to Women and their husband. All the married women are being a part of this festival whatever that are newly married or have a long time to marriage. This festival is celebrated on the fourth day of the Krishna Paksha in the month of Kartik. The fast is started early in the morning and complete on late night or with the moonrise. At the evening, Married women get together at one place or in the Hindu temple with the Pooja plate which contains some food and fruit for the Katha ceremony. At this ceremony, old married women or priest explain the history and importance of Karva Chauth.
Nowadays, Married women get together in one place to celebrate the Karva Chauth festival. At this place, they enjoy music and perform a small dance. When the moonrise, all married women together perform a Karva chauth pooja and have a feast from their husband.
How to Make First Karva Chauth, Make it Special!
First Sargi
It is the first meal of the day which is taking by the married women in the early morning before starting the fast. It is generally prepared by the mother in law and it contains sweets, fruits, and delicious eatable varat food. In exchange, daughter in law present a small gift to Mother in law.
First Baya
it is a gift package which is presented by the mother in law to daughter in law. It becomes more important when it is the first karva Chauth. At the first time, Mother in law presents clothes, jewelry, sweets, utensils, and other things.
First Karva Chauth pooja
Special arrangements are made by the family women for the first karva chauth. The newlywed bride wears a wedding dress or heavy sari with the jewelry like they are ready like a bride. The plate contains earthen oil lamp, a small water container with water, some sweets, dry fruits and etc. When the moon is the rise, an earthen oil lamp is blown and perform a small aarti firstly to the moon and after that their husband. After completing this, the husband offered some water and sweet to eat, so that they can successfully complete this fast. All the married women take blessing from elder women and they wish them a blessing for a happy married life.
Gifts by Husband
To make a special of this day, a husband also presents some gifts to her wife to make it special and pamper. To make it more special, a couple also goes for dinner to save her from the drudgery day of cooking work.
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Happy Karva Chauth festival to all married couples!
Reference: Beautiful Rituals of Karva Chauth That Every Woman Should Know