Horoscope Compatibility for Marriage -A prerequisite in Indian Weddings

Horoscope compatibility for marriage is quite a significant custom followed in Indian arranged weddings. It is a prerequisite before a wedding takes place. The process of horoscope matching is just like the Kundali match that plays a crucial role at the time of the wedding. The custom of Horoscope compatibility for marriage is not a new thing and is quite evident from the ancient times. As per the Hindu scriptures, marriage is a holy union between two souls planned even before the birth of the couples who are going to arrest in a wedding lock. Well, this is how marriage actually meant in the past and even now, the meaning almost remains the same except for the fact that most marriages have taken their online route. Marriage happens to be a beautiful moment in the life of a person. The very purpose of marriage is not a means to extend your family but also to get a spouse with whom you are able to create plenty of great memories and stay happy together.
How a marriage converts into successful marriage stories
Everyone plans to tie the nuptial knot someday and settle in life. Well, you would always want to spend the rest of your life with someone whom you are better able to understand and can share your thoughts without thinking twice. In short, if you are fortunate enough and get such a loving partner who is above your expectations, then your marriage comes in the list of successful happy married life stories. People would love to call you a compatible couple who are better able to understand each other’s emotions. Eventually, a phrase comes when you feel your life is complete. This is why marriage is called a sacred bond between two like-minded people whom you trust and share all your feelings unconditionally.
Why it is crucial to undergo a horoscope or Kundli match?
Everything happens for a reason and a marriage is no exception. Horoscope matching for marriage is another term for the Kundli match where the priests from both sides tend to match the Kundli of boy and girl. The entire process helps to nullify any sort of bad effects after the bride and groom tie their nuptial knot.
After the process matching the horoscope takes place, they try to find it out if there are any doshas (bad effects). In case, if there are any, they take the help of astrology as it offers a plethora of remedies or solutions to overcome all the malefic effects.
How to find the most compatible life partner by Kundali matching
In order to understand the entire concept, you need to go through Vedic Astrology, according to which horoscope match or Kundli match is quite eminent. The purpose of a wedding fulfills only when both the life partners are able to understand each other and stay together even in the most adverse conditions.
In Hindu mythology, horoscope matchmaking is just like Kundali Milan, Lagna Melapak, Guna Milan, compatibility, etc. These are the different names given to the horoscope matching.
The need for marriage compatibility
Do you know the need for assessing marriage compatibility by different means? If you are an Indian citizen (by birth) and want to get married as per the Hindu custom and culture, then you have to go through all those crucial steps. Please have a look at some of the crucial factors that are crucial and need to take place right before a wedding takes place:
- Guna Milan
- Strength of Navamsa Chart
- Manglik Dosha
What is Guna Milan?
Guna Milan is the horoscope compatibility for marriage that takes place right before the couple finally arrests themselves in a wedding lock. In India, the process of finding the most compatible soul mate is quite simple and easy which takes place by analyzing the Natal Chart or Birth Chart of both groom and bride.
To tell you more precisely, Guna Milan means the position of Moon (planet) in the Natal Charts of both the groom and bride. The entire process of holy ritual is an indispensable part of wedding rituals that essentially takes place in most parts of the North Indian region. In simple terms, it means that as many as eight qualities have to be present in the bride and groom before making a successful matrimonial alliance. Guna Milan is also called as “Ashtakoot Milan” and is carried out under the supervision of a priest.
Importance of horoscope compatibility for marriage
If a wedding has to take place as per the Hindu customs and culture, it has to undergo all these rituals. All these holy rituals happen to be an integral part of Hindu mythology. At this time, when we are living in the era of technology, some of us would think the relevance of horoscope compatibility of marriage. If you analyze it more deeply, you will find that all these customs are made for the benefit of the newly wedded couple.
Whether you agree with us or, not all these rituals affect the lives of a newly wedded couple who has to spend all their life together.
There come hurdles all the way down in their lives and by following this procedure, parents and family members of the bride and groom are satisfied with the well-being of the newly wedded couple. Now, please have a look at some other aspects why horoscope compatibility for marriage is a vital step and how it is beneficial for the couple.
It analyzes physical and mental compatibility
Horoscope matching for marriage helps to scrutinize the physical and mental compatibility between the couple. The above technique is so useful that it helps to assess a number of crucial things between the couple like their attitude, temper, and behavior. The entire practice takes place to ascertain a happy and healthy married life between the newly wedded couple.
Horoscope Compatibility for Marriage is a perfect way to predict the financial condition of the bride and groom
In these hard times, financial stability is quite important for anyone who gets married. This is one aspect where parents of both the groom and bride tend to look into before they approve the marriage. At the same time, parents also analyze the financial prospects or job prospects of the groom before he finally gets married.
If you want to look into the horoscope of your partner and need help, you can always consult a renowned astrologer who can better analyze all the details.
Horoscope compatibility for marriage is must to undergo a successful and gleeful married life and is a way to convert your wedding life into successful marriage stories.