Tamil Wedding Rituals: Sacred and Traditional

If you are one of the marriage seekers who are looking to find your ideal soul mate, then you need to hire the right matrimonial site. In case, you belong to the Tamil community, then these wedding sites really help you arrange your marriage as per the latest Tamilmatrimony and traditions. Please know that Tamil weddings are one of the best weddings in the country that are held as per the latest tradition and culture. In fact, they follow most of their rituals in the former wedding style.
Today, almost everything has been going online and so weddings. As far as Tamil weddings are concerned, they are held with the utmost style and rituals that you would be able to know only once you attend any such weddings.
In this post, we present you with some of the tips that evaluate the latest trend of Tamil marriages in the country.
Jathakam/Horoscope for Marriage
Jathakam is one of the rituals in Tamil weddings that are similar to matchmaking horoscopes of the wedding couples. Here the horoscope is matched and is satisfied before proceeding towards the final wedding rituals.
Panda Kaal Muhurtham
This is one of the best Tamil traditions and culture that reflects mostly at the time of a Tamil wedding. Please note that Tamil wedding tradition mainly begins with this kind of a sacred ritual that generally takes place just a day prior to the actual wedding date. The technical part of this ritual is that both the families of the bride and groom offer their respective prayers for a long and peaceful life. In Tamil wedding traditions, this ritual is quite necessary that takes place without any interruptions.
Pallikai Thellichal
This is again a unique ceremony that is held in a Tamil wedding. In this type of ceremony, 9 kinds of grains are mixed with curd into as many as 7 earthen pots. After some time, all these 7 pots are immersed in water as per the tradition and rituals. This is basically done to feed fishes. Please note that Tamil wedding tradition mainly begins with this kind of a sacred ritual that generally takes place just a day prior to the actual wedding state.
Naandi Shrardham
In this kind of Tamil wedding rituals, both the bride and groom are invited to offer prayer to their ancestors. This kind of ceremony is crucial which takes place with all the attention and rituals that follow in their custom. After this, Brahmins are invited for their traditional fest that takes place with all the joy and warmth.
It’s also known as engagement that takes place between Tamil bride and groom in the presence of all the rituals. This is the crucial ceremony where a Ganesh Puja is generally performed by the family of the bride family. After the Puja is held, the family members of the groom come forward and offer so many gift items including sweets, jewelry, clothes, and various other gifts.
Lagna Pathirikai
This is none other than the wedding invitation. This is one of the crucial rituals in a Tamil Matrimony where the wedding is officially announced between the couple. After that, invitations are sent to guests by their family priest. The entire ceremony is composed of as many as nine wedding rituals that are equally important.
In this ritual, the bride's father hands over his daughter into the hands of the groom. At the same time, the groom gives all his assurances to the parents of the bride that he will take care of her in every situation.
Conclusion- If you like to see all the ritual in a Tamil wedding, then you need to attend any such wedding.