How Pivotal Is Marriage Compatibility for a Successful Marital Relationship

Marriage Compatibility- For a successful marital relationship, marriage compatibility continues to be a crucial factor. As we all know that marriage not only happens to be a sacred bond between two souls, it is also a significant aspect of human life. After you shortlist a profile on your trusted matrimonial sites, the next step is to match the compatibility between the groom and bride. In India, there is a rich custom followed where couples are tested of their compatibility before they finally tie their nuptial knots. This is to ensure that everything remains healthy in their forthcoming marital relationship. In the changing times, when marriages have changed their ways and are arranged online, other customs still remain the same. There are a plethora of things (rituals) that are to be followed at the time of arranged marriages. Some of them are Kundali matching, Nakshatra Matching and other similar kind of rituals for the longevity and prosperity of the married couples.
You must have been inspired after going through the success stories given at your favourite matrimonial site. Do you know how a successful marriage converts into a successful marriage stories? Well, there are a number of things that are taken into account for a successful marriage. It starts right after looking at the marriage compatibility status. There are a number of things associated with marriage compatibility that are performed by a priest. He knows what to look at before finalizing the marriage dates.
In this blog post, we would be going through a few such marriage compatibility factors that are pivotal for any arranged marriage and eventually ensures a happy and successful married life between couples. An arranged marriage is not just a one step process where couples are simply asked to perform pheras around the holy fire. It actually comprises of a number of unavoidable rituals that can’t be ignored.
One such step to ensure a successful wedding is none other than Kundali matching (Kundali Milan). Well, you must have heard about the term. If not, then we would like to throw some light on it. This is because Kundali matching is an indisputable part of a successful marriage without which you can’t expect to perform all the rituals.
What is Kundali Matching?
Well, Kundali matching happens to be an integral step in screening the marriage compatibility. It’s a kind of a peculiar procedure to gauge whether the wedding between a bride and groom is going to be fruitful or not. It’s in use from ancient times and has now become a crucial and unavoidable process that traces any kind of marital disharmony in future. This is the reason why priests specifically perform Kundali matching before the actual wedding process starts.
Significance of kundali matching for a wedding
Marriage is such a relationship that lasts for your entire life. So, it is quite essential that two individuals who are married in a wedding lock must be of same nature or vibe. But how will you know about it? Well, Horoscope Compatibility for marriage is done of the couple who are about to marry.
For example, if both the individuals hesitate sharing their ideas or thoughts to each other, or don’t seem comfortable in the presence of each other, then it will directly affect the credibility of a marriage. Most of the times, it is seen that such marriages do not last long. In order to avoid all this post wedding menace, a few measures are taken to ensure the safety and security of the wedding couples.
There are a number of instances where marriages could not have been successful due to one or more reasons. Those who are unable to witness the sufferings of couples in question simply drop the idea of getting married and decide to remain bachelor all along their lives. Both married and bachelor lives are equally pivotal but after you attain certain age, you need someone to move your life forward, especially with whom you could spend your best moments, etc.
- Please note that a marriage is not only based on your sentiments or what you think about others, it’s based on your religious, moral and social values. So, it is crucial that you maintain the level of purity between each other. And this can be achieved by taking care of each other in every possible ways even in the adverse conditions.
- A marriage has immense potency levels and tends to contribute long span of life. Everybody expects that a marriage will go fruitful in future and therefore attains a number of measures to make it a successful affair. Due to this, a number of rituals are performed by priests to make it successful.
- This does not mean that the wedding couple will not get any kind of distraction in their love lives. There are hundreds of incidents when the marriages have literally broken. Well, this is also a part of life but most of the times, they are successful. But in any case, all these rituals cannot be ignored as they are the path that goes towards the success of a marriage.
Importance of Nakshatra Matching in arranged marriage
Nakshatra Matching is also an integral part of a successful marriage. It’s a kind of procedure that ensures the safety and security of a wedding couple even after the wedding has taken place. No one wants to live with such a partner who is incompatible which means he or she is not ideal for the bride or groom. This is the reason why every bride or groom prefers to test the marriage compatibility before they are finally married.
Nakshatra Matching is also crucial that contributes towards the success of a marriage. Now, before we move ahead, we let you know about Nakshatra Matching and its relevance in making the life of couple safe and secure.
What is Nakshatra Matching?
Before knowing the term, you must be aware of the fact that Moon (planet) continues to play a vital factor in making a marriage successful.
The planet ‘Moon’ happens to be the indicator of your entire temperament, taste and mind. This is the reason why Janma or Moon Nakshatra of both the groom and bride needs to be gauged for a swift marital bliss.
The marriage compatibility of Jama Nakshatra is also known by yet another term- Ashtakoota Milan.
All these measures are done to ensure the various crucial attributes of a married life that includes sound health, Longevity, financial problems, mutual understanding, etc.
Your most trusted matchmaking site not only enlists hundreds of successful stories but also makes sure that your marriage compatibility remains fruitful for an endless time.